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Membership of the ABIL is open to researchers and teachers across the world who have a current interest in the languages, peoples, literatures and cultures of the Portuguese-speaking world. We warmly welcome new members resident in Great Britain and Ireland and other countries. 


Applications for membership can be made at any point during the year, but in order to submit an abstract for the annual conference, you need to have submitted the membership request form and provided proof of payment of membership fees to the Secretary. Acceptance at the conference is conditional on your application for membership then being approved.

For the types of membership, see below or for more detailed information go to § 3 of the ABIL Constitution.


All members are entitled to attend the annual conference and AGM and join the ABIL e-mail list (which may only be used by its members).


To apply for membership, please follow the steps set out below:


1. Complete the Application Form and  e-mail it to the Secretary.

2. Please email proof of payment of membership fees to the Treasurer.


a) Membership subscription fees are as follows:

£10 (1 year) or £20 (2 years) for Retired Members of the Association and Postgraduate Students

£20 (1 year) or £40 (2 years) for Associate Members (i.e. leitores, language assistants, graduate teaching assistants, teaching fellows and equivalents, postgraduate students, postdoctoral research fellows and equivalents, and retired ordinary members of the association)


£40 (1 year) or £80 (2 years) for all Ordinary Members (those holding full-time or part-time academic posts).


b) How to Pay?







Overseas members

If you are an Overseas member who wishes to pay in a currency other than sterling, you can now pay your membership subscription using PayPal.

If you do not already have a PayPal account, you will have to register for one.  Sending money via paypal does not entail any charge to you as the sender.

Within PayPal, please use the “Send Money” option to send your two-year membership fee of £40 (or £20 for associate members) to the following email address:

Please also state your name and institutional affiliation in the email message. If you are a new member to ABIL please also send the ABIL Membership Form to the Secretary.

NB Paypal DOES entail a small standard charge to ABIL itself for receiving the money, so please do NOT use Paypal, if you are a UK member with a sterling account. This facility has been set up to assist our non-UK members only.

UK members

If you are a UK member with a sterling bank account, you can now arrange to pay by Standing Order. Fill in the standing order form, send it to your bank and email a copy of it to the Treasurer.

For administrative ease, Standing Orders are very much our preferred method of payment.

Alternatively please send a sterling cheque to the Treasurer (for details check the ABIL Officers page here). Cheques should be made payable to “Association of Lusitanists”. Receipts for cheques will only be issued on request and if you include a stamped, addressed envelope.





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