Useful Links
On this page you will find links to all the UK Higher Education institutions were Portuguese & Brazilian Studies are represented, as well as to a variety of academic associations and cultural and governmental institutions pertinent to our field of study.
If you have any further suggestions, get in touch!
Related Associations
AIL - Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas
APSA - American Portuguese Studies Association
REBRAC - Rede Europeia de Brasilianistas de Análise Cultural
BRASA - Brazilian Studies Association
TROPO UK - Association of Teachers and Researchers of Portuguese Language
ACIS - Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies
AHGBI - Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland
LASO - Lusophone African Studies Organization
AIM - Association of Moving Image Researchers
PARSUK - Portuguese Association of Researchers and Students in the UK
Governmental and Cultural Institutions
Brazilian Embassy UK / Ireland
Portuguese Embassy UK / Ireland
Instituto Camões (CICL)
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Portuguese as Foreign Language resources, courses, exams &
certificates, cultural activities
ABRIR - Associação Brasileira de Iniciativas Educacionais no Reino Unido
Portuguese & Brazilian Studies
in British and Irish Universities
Birkbeck College – University of London
Section of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
Cardiff University
School of Modern Languages
Kings College London – School of Arts & Humanities
Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
King's Brazil Institute
King's College London - Global Institutes
School of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Queen Mary, University of London
Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies
Queen's University, Belfast
School of Modern Languages
University College Cork, Ireland
Department of Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies
Department of Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies
Hispanic Studies Department
University of Bristol
Department of Hispanic, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies
University of Cambridge
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
University of Edinburgh
European Languages and Culture – Hispanic Section
University of Essex
Department of Languages and Linguistics
University of Exeter
Department of Modern Languages
University of Glasgow
School of Modern Languages – Hispanic Studies
University of Kent – School of European Culture and Languages
Department of Hispanic Studies
University of Leeds – Faculty of Arts
Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
University of Liverpool
Department of Modern Languages and Cultues
University of Manchester – School of Arts, Languages and Cultures
Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
University of Newcastle – School of Modern Languages – Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
University of Nottingham
Department of Hispanic and Latin American Studies
University of Oxford
Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, Subfaculty of Portuguese
University of Portsmouth
School of Languages and Area Studies
Department of Hispanic Studies
University of Southampton Department of Modern Languages Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies