ABIL Officers
President - Dr Carmen Ramos Villar (2021-2024)
(email: c.ramosvillar[at]sheffield.ac.uk)
Dr Ramos Villar is Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at the University of Sheffield, where she is also the Director of Portuguese Studies. At ABIL, she has served as treasurer and conference secretary, and is now president. Her research interests include how autobiographical writings, and biographical studies, portray the Portuguese migrant in the United States.
General Secretary - Dr Maria Luísa Coelho (2021-2024)
(email: maria.desousacoelho[at]mod-langs.ox.ac.uk)
Maria Luísa Coelho is a Portuguese lecturer at the University of Oxford and she has recently completed a post-doctoral project (sponsored by FCT) on Portuguese Artists and Writers in Britain (1950-1986). She is also involved in the project Women, arts and dictatorship: Portugal, Brazil and Portuguese-speaking African countries, at University of Minho (http://ceh.ilch.uminho.pt/womanart/?author=1&lang=en). Her research sits in the field of Comparative Literature and is inherently interdisciplinary and transcultural, as it bridges the gaps between art and literature, Portuguese and English studies; within this field, she is particularly interested in a gendered and feminist approach to art production. Her recent publications include a special issue of Portuguese Studies on transnational Portuguese women writers, and the chapter “Transnational, palimpsestic journeys in the art of Bartolomeu Cid dos Santos”, in Transnational Portuguese Studies (2020). She is currently co-editing a volume on Portuguese writer Ana Luísa Amaral, and a chapter on artist Paula Rego and representations of aging women will be published soon.
Treasurer - Dr Jenny Nelson (2023-2024)
(email: nelsonj4[at]cardiff.ac.uk)
Postgraduate Officer - Maria Inês Castro e Silva (2019-2024)
(email: M.Castro-E-Silva.1[at]warwick.ac.uk)
Maria Inês Castro e Silva is a PhD student at the University of Warwick (Department of Hispanic Studies) and a Teaching Fellow at the University of Birmingham since 2020. Her research is focused on Portuguese film, postcolonial studies, urban studies, and Portuguese popular culture. She has taught in the United Kindgom and Ireland (Queen's University Belfast, 2014-2017; National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 2016/2017; The University of Warwick, 2017-2020). Inês has been Postgraduate Representative since 2019.
Early Career Officer - Dr Peter Haysom-Rodriguez (2023-2024)
(email: p.haysom[at]leeds.ac.uk)
Conference Secretary - Dr Emanuelle Santos (2023-2025)
(email: e.santos[at]bham.ac.uk)
Portuguese & Brazilian Studies Representative at the University Council for Modern Languages (UCML) - Dr Luís Gomes (2021-2024)
(email: luis.gomes[at]glasgow.ac.uk)
Luís Gomes is Programme Director of Portuguese Studies and Instituto Camões Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. He works on Portuguese literature of the Dual Monarchy and emblems in Portuguese. Luis has recently collaborated with Madalena Gonçalves on The Portuguese Subjunctive: a Grammar Workbook (London: Routledge, 2021), editor for Portuguese of the Year's Work in Modern Language Studies (Brill), and co-editor of the book series Glasgow Emblem Studies. Luis has taught at the University of Oxford and University of Glasgow, as well as Falkirk Further Education College.
He currently represents ABIL on the University Council for Modern Languages (UCML).
Immediate Past President - Professor Stephanie Dennison (2017-2021)
(email: s.dennison[at]leeds.ac.uk)
Professor Stephanie Dennison holds a chair in Brazilian Studies at the University of Leeds, where she also serves as Director of the Centre for World Cinemas and Digital Cultures. Stephanie served as Luso-Brazilian representative for the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI) and she is a founding member of REBRAC, the European Network of Researchers working in Cultural Analysis.
Members without portfolio
Dr Fernando Beleza, University of Newcastle, 2023-2024
Past Officers
Professor Stephanie Dennison, University of Leeds, 2017-2021
Professor Phillip Rothwell, St Peter's College, Oxford, 2013-2017
Dr David Frier, University of Leeds, 2013-2017
General Secretary
Dr Catarina Fouto, King's College - London, 2013-2021
Conference Secretary
Dr Carlos Garrido Castellano, University College of Cork, 2021-2023
Dr Raquel Ribeiro, University of Edinburgh, 2017-2019
Dr Carmen Ramos Villar, University of Sheffield, 2015-2017
Dr Ana Margarida Dias Martins, University of Exeter, 2013-2015
Dr Maria Tavares, Queen's University Belfast, 2017-2023
Dr Mark Sabine, University of Nottingham, 2013-2017
Portuguese & Brazilian Studies Representative at the University Council for Modern Languages (UCML)
Professor Hilary Owen, University of Oxford, 2019-2021
Postgraduate Officer
Dr Gui Perdigão, University of Oxford, 2015-2017
Early Career Officer
Dr Dorothée Boulanger, Oxford, 2017-2023
Members without Portfolio
Dr Tori Holmes, Queen's University Belfast, 2013-2017
Dr Simon Park, 2017-2019